Words from Silence
Spiritual Books

Books on spiritual awakening can help you to become more self-aware, and can lead to the transformation of your life. ‘Words from Silence’ by Leonard Jacobson is one of the most compelling books on awakening. The author’s approach to spiritual awakening and enlightenment is revealed throughout the book. Each page is a lyrically beautiful expression of an essential truth.
Zen-like in its simplicity, it communicates directly with the heart and soul of the reader, gently inviting a response from the deepest levels of Being. This book is best read from the beginning till the end, but it’s also your lifelong companion, ready to surprise you with fresh insights each time you revisit its pages. Prepare to be stirred and soothed as it speaks to newcomers and seasoned spiritual explorers alike.
According to the author, it has been more than two decades since ‘Words from Silence’ was first published and thirty years since he wrote it. His teachings have evolved over time, and so Leonard wanted to ensure his teachings were up to date. The revised edition has most of the content from the first one, but some passages have been added to enhance the flow of the book.
His words are not directed toward your mind or that part of you that understands. The truth is beyond one’s understanding. It arises from the silence at the center of your Being. The truth shared in this book is accessible to everyone as they open into Presence and as they open into the source of truth arising from within. ‘Words from Silence’ serves as an encouraging, supportive, and inspirational guide that supports the readers as they deepen into Presence.
To fully grasp the message of this book, it is helpful to read it more than once. Every word encapsulates wisdom that will inspire and guide you on your own journey of awakening. It is also immensely helpful for those already on this path. Some words are like Koans that need to be meditated upon to reveal their deeper meaning. Leonard believes that the world is at a crucial stage, and it is important for humanity to evolve in consciousness. ‘Words from Silence’ is an invitation to participate in a great awakening.
This book will touch you deeply as it guides you along the path of awakening. It’s time to explore Leonard’s profound teachings and find your way to inner knowing, love, silence, and peace. Are you ready to engage with this lyrical masterpiece that will resonate so deeply within the core of your Being? It is a must-read for beginners and people who are already on the spiritual path.