Bridging Heaven & Earth
Emotional Healing
“Bridging Heaven & Earth” by Leonard Jacobson takes you on a profound journey of awakening that will transform your life. In this revised edition, the author takes readers on a mystical exploration of human consciousness, offering profound insights into the path of spiritual awakening and the quest for Oneness. It is an invitation to dive deep within yourself, shedding the layers of ego and mind that have kept you in a state of separation from your true nature. Jacobson’s words serve as a beacon, guiding you towards the radiant state of Presence.
Within these pages, you’ll find many topics relevant to your awakening, including liberation from the mind and ego, the soul’s journey over many lifetimes, discovering your true purpose, the true nature of God and Heaven on Earth, opening into Oneness and so much more. Jacobson delves into the universal laws of life, revealing the essential nature of Being and illuminating the path to the awakened state of Presence, Christ consciousness and God consciousness.
Bridging Heaven & Earth – Emotional Healing Books
One of the central themes of “Bridging Heaven & Earth” is the eternal dilemma of God. Through Jacobson’s wise and compassionate perspective, readers will grapple with questions about the nature of divinity, the origins of our existence, and how to open to the divine within themselves.
This book is more than a philosophical exploration; it is a very clear guide to healing and releasing the painful, limiting and sometimes traumatic experiences of the past. Jacobson offers powerful insights on how to live more fully in the present moment, unburdened by the relentless chatter of the mind and the limitations imposed by the ego. As you apply the wisdom found within these pages, you will unlock the door to your true purpose, leading to genuine fulfillment and meaning. Jacobson’s teachings on love, freedom, and power are life-changing, and will enrich your relationships. They will bring love, clarity, and abundance into your life.
To open yourself to the awakened state of Presence that Leonard Jacobson presents in “Bridging Heaven & Earth” is to embark on a life-altering journey. It is an exploration of the self and a profound unveiling of the soul’s true nature. As you immerse yourself in the teachings within these pages, you will find that your life becomes an expression of the love, clarity, and abundance that reside deep within you.
This revised edition of the book is a timeless guide for seekers of spiritual truth, offering profound insights and practical wisdom for anyone on the path of self-discovery and awakening. Leonard Jacobson’s words will touch you deeply, bringing fullness and completion into your life, ultimately bridging the gap between Heaven and Earth.