Meet the visionary behind the joyful art of living in the Now
Leonard Jacobson. He is on a lifelong mission to help others discover the pure bliss of living in the present moment.
Leonard has been a guiding light on the journey of awakening with over four decades of experience.
Meet the visionary behind the joyful art of living in the Now Leonard Jacobson. He is on a lifelong mission to help others discover the pure bliss of living in the present moment. Leonard has been a guiding light on the journey of awakening with over four decades of experience.

Leonard empowers you to become fundamentally present and arise in mastery of your mind and ego so that you can stay anchored in the moment, without being pulled out of Presence. Leonard embodies a profound depth of Presence, and his teachings act as a reminder that the truth resides within each one of us, but it only becomes accessible as we open into the awakened state of Presence.

Journey into Now
Spiritual Awakening Books

‘Journey into Now’ by Leonard Jacobson is another great book on spiritual awakening. The author guides the readers along a path of awakening that will lead to liberation from the pain and limitations of the past and guide them into the joyful and unlimited world of Now. ‘Journey into Now’ reveals how to still the mind, open into silence and become fully present. As you become present, you will discover an entirely different dimension of yourself, one that is full of love, truth, and the experience of Oneness. Some of the most important aspects of this book are the author’s insights into the nature of the mind and ego.
This book highlights how the ego’s resistance to Presence is the primary obstacle to awakening and how we can overcome that resistance in a simple and effective way. Find the hidden keys to awakening with this remarkable book.
Life Beyond the Ego

‘Life Beyond the Ego: A New Beginning for Humanity’ by Leonard Jacobson will help you understand why everyone is living at a very limited level of consciousness. At this level of consciousness, the ego influences our lives as it maintains us in a world of illusion and separation. In this book, Leonard provides a comprehensive summary of his teachings on awakening. The primary focus of this book however, is to reveal the true nature of the ego and how to overcome its negative influence upon us.
This book answers many profound questions like, what is the ego? What is its role in your life? How does it affect your life and relationships? How does it function? Why does it resist you becoming present? And most importantly, how can you overcome its resistance? To become truly awake, it is important to come into right relationship with the ego. It’s time to awaken into Presence, free yourself from the control and limitations of the ego and transform your life.
Liberating Jesus
What Would Jesus Say If He Returned Today?

‘Liberating Jesus: What Would Jesus Say If He Returned Today?’ by Leonard Jacobson is a book that started as a play, became a movie, and now emerges as this enlightening book. Readers can delve into the mysteries related to Jesus – Who was he really? What was his true mission? What do his words really mean? Why was his teaching so misunderstood and so misused? What really happened to him on the cross? You can explore the crucifixion, the resurrection, and his journey since his death upon the cross.
This book raises the question that if Jesus returned today and clarified his teachings, how would Christians and the world react? He urges Christians to embrace the true message of Jesus and Jews to honor their covenant with God. His wisdom extends to all seekers, transcending religious boundaries. The teachings of Jesus are just as relevant now as they were two thousand years ago and relate directly to the awakening of human consciousness in today’s world.
Bridging Heaven & Earth
Emotional Healing

‘Bridging Heaven & Earth: A Return to Oneness’ by Leonard Jacobson has the power to awaken you. It is a powerful and challenging book that will touch you deeply and bring fullness and completion into your life. Leonard takes the readers on a tour of human consciousness and highlights liberation from the mind and ego, awakening into Presence, the soul s journey, the soul s lessons, keys to spiritual awakening, the universal laws of life, the essential nature of Being, Christ consciousness, God consciousness, the eternal dilemma of God, and so much more.
This book is about healing and freeing yourself from a painful past. It helps you to be more present in your lives and free yourself from the limitations of the mind and the tyranny of the ego. This book is about discovering your true purpose in being here and finding true fulfillment. It is about awakening to a higher level of consciousness, love, freedom and power. Leonard’s book will bring love, clarity, and abundance into your life.
Words from Silence
Spiritual Books

‘Words from Silence’ by Leonard Jacobson is a powerful book that highlights the basic principles of the author’s approach to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Each page is a lyrically beautiful expression of an essential truth. Zen-like in its simplicity, it communicates directly with the heart and soul of the reader, gently inviting a response from the deepest levels of Being. Prepare to be stirred and soothed as it speaks to newcomers and seasoned spiritual explorers alike.
It has been twenty-five years since this book was first published and thirty years since the writer wrote it. His teachings have evolved over time, and Leonard ensured his teachings were updated with time. The revised edition of Words from Silence has most of the content from the first edition, but some passages have been added to enhance the flow of the book.
Embracing the Present
Self Realization

‘Embracing the Present: Living an Awakened Life’ by Leonard Jacobson will help you to become and remain fully present in the moment. His teachings offer clear guidance on overcoming the limitations of the mind and ego, the destructive patterns and beliefs learned in childhood. He reveals how to release anger, fear, pain, guilt, resentment, and the limiting patterns of judgment and control. This book will help you to realize the awakened state of Being, where one lives more fully in the moment.
In Search of the Light
Inner Peace Books

‘In Search of the Light’ by Leonard Jacobson shares the secrets of finding inner joy and happiness in this beautifully illustrated children’s picture book that helps children find that quiet inner place of peace and silence.
Come on a journey of discovery with Ned the Horse, Peter Rabbit, Bert the brave little Bumblebee and Molly Mouse as they set off in search of the light. Be ready to be inspired by this enlightening book suitable for both children and adults.
Journey into Now
Clear Guidance on the Path of Spiritual Awakening

With perfect precision, the author guides the reader along a path of awakening which leads to liberation from the pain and limitations of the past into the joyful and unlimited world of Now. This book reveals, in the simplest way, how to still the mind and become fully present and awake in the truth of life. Perhaps the most important aspect of this book is the author’s unique insight into the nature of the mind and ego. He describes in detail how the ego’s resistance to Presence is the primary obstacle to awakening and how we can overcome that resistance in a simple and effective way. Each page of this book reveals a part of the mystery. There are hidden keys to awakening on every page. It is like a road map home.